Google Chrome Popups Gets Jiggy With It

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There are dozens of reviews for Google Chrome out there. So I will not bore you with any (except I am really liking the isolated tabs, besides the alpha issues). But, as I am doing Google Chrome testing today I noticed something interesting on how Google Chrome handles popups. Check out the video I recorded today.

Interesting how Google does not block the popup.  But instead, they animate the window by moving it down and across the bottom of the screen!

I have not isolated the exact reason to why as Chrome does not move other popups such as Facebook’s Share on YouTube.  But the one fact I have found is the Facebook Connect uses XSS (cross-site scripting) which we have had to configure to allow them to run scripts.  If someone wants to test it on other sites that are using XSS, please let me know your results.  The Facebook development team was also able to reproduce it, which removes my machine as a possible source (or virus).


(direct download, right-click and save-as - 3 MB)


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